6 responses to “Massachusetts Court Disallows Admission of Facebook Screenshot as Evidence

  1. Pingback: Notable Articles in E-Discovery March – April 2014 | Streamline Imaging

  2. Pingback: Court Disallows Admission of Facebook Screenshot as Evidence | Omni Research & Investigations

  3. Tara Patenaude

    Funny- I just went to court- where my tenants used facebook shots- that were a couple things I said, about other people, and used it against me. I feel like my lawyer threw me under the bus because I have medical records to show that the presence of these tenants is making me mentally and phyiscally ill, and that I have my tenants blocked from my fb, and instagram, and have for MONTHS., and brought the screen shot of my blocked page, to court, but was basically “coerced” into an unfair agreement with the tenants, which they have already violated but my lawyer has yet to return any of my messages. Thinking I need a new lawyer and go back to court to fight them!!

  4. Pingback: ALT PRNT Screen Practice is Becoming Less Defensible When It Comes to Discovery; |

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